During one year, I developed here in Essaouira, Morocco,
a project called "Wind Rose - Center of Cultural Movement"
The project Wind Rose – Center of Cultural Movement proposes to create a space of social dialogue on cities that have an important historic and cultural patrimony. Considerate a nomad center, the concept of journey is the main way of interchange of knowledge of the house. The passion for the arts and sciences of the well-being is the power that moves our project. Ana Maria Fonseca - experimental artist on music, dance and other arts, mix the inspirations from different cultures.
After many activities during 2012 and 2013, involving yoga and dance classes, music meetings and jam sessions, recycling arts, therapies, i decided to change my project for a while, and at least this blog where I post the news.
The idea was to do all activities in my house, and some public spaces. It was, during one year a nice " Cultural House". Now my project has not just a CENTER. No physic center.I want to develop and create traveling, or in other spaces. For the moment, the center of the "Cultural Movement" is me, my vision, and the movement now is to learn and create! And I hope to share with you my memories, my music and cultural studies, the amazing artists and people I meet around, through this blog. Marhaba! Here' s some memories from this project:
art by Aziz Oumoussa
There is a fishermen’s small city on the Atlantic coast of Morocco called Essaouira, the ancient “Mogador”. Here, the boats and ships arrived from everywhere: this village was occupied and colonized by different people, like the Phoenicians, Romans, Berberes, Portuguese, French, and Jews. Many caravans came also from the deserts of Africa, bringing their products to export such as gold, spices or and culture to this port. The descendants of the those that had come from Sub-Saharan Africa influenced this city with their mystic practices: with the Africans Essaouira inherited the musical and spiritual tradition of the Gnawas (a fraternity of popular Sufism, with similar origins of Yoruba or brazilian Candomblé).
From Timbuktu to Mogador, from here to the ports of other oceans of the world…
Today the globalization increases every day the interchanges and the cultural mixture of this village, turning it on a turistic, artistic and musical place.
Today the globalization increases every day the interchanges and the cultural mixture of this village, turning it on a turistic, artistic and musical place.
art by Aziz Oumoussa
Existe uma pequena cidade de pescadores na costa atlântica do Marrocos que se chama Essaouira, antiga “Mogador”. Aqui, os barcos e navios chegavam de todas as partes: esta vila foi ocupada e colonizada por diferentes povos, como os fenícios, os romanos, bereberes, portugueses, franceses e judeus. Muitas caravanas vinham também dos desertos da África para este porto, tranzendo suas mercancias de exportação, como o ouro, as especiarias e cultura, povos... Os descendentes dos que chegaram da áfrica sub-saariana influenciaram esse lugar com suas práticas místicas: com os Africanos Essaouia herdou a tradição musical e espiritual da confraria dos Gnaouas (uma confraria de sufismo popular com raízes parecidas às do Yorubá e o Candomblé brasileiro).
De Tumbuctu a Mogador, daqui para os portos de outros oceanos do mundo...
Hoje em dia a mundialização aumenta a cada dia o intercâmbio e a mistura cultural desta cidade, transformando-a em uma localidade turística, artística e musical.
De Tumbuctu a Mogador, daqui para os portos de outros oceanos do mundo...
Hoje em dia a mundialização aumenta a cada dia o intercâmbio e a mistura cultural desta cidade, transformando-a em uma localidade turística, artística e musical.
Belly Dance
Regular and intensive courses
Danse du Ventre
Cours réguliers et intensifs
Learn this anciant and mystic dance
In our classes we develop ritmic studies and different arabic Belly Dance styles.
For more details please contact the teacher:
Ana Maria
For more details please contact our center or the teacher:
Pour plus d'informations s'il vous plaît communiquer avec le centre ou le professeur:
On this April 7th we received on Wind Rose the visit of two musicians and spiritualist researchers: the hawaiian Taj Juré and the moroccan Ahmed El Kaab Abdelhak.
the alchemy bowls
She, therapist, lives in Hawaii, where she has a therapy center, the Anahatha Spiritual Spa. Taj works with Music and Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Ayurveda, massage and also events and retreats ( ). Music and sound are very important for her healing sessions: “Sound bypasses the conscious mind and goes directly into the body”. Here in Essaouira Taj Juré used the Alchemy Crystal Bowls that sounds on the different notes and energies of the distinct kinds of crystals that each bowl is made with.
He, living in Essaouira, from his early childhood started learning Sufi tradition from his grandfather, who used to carry him to learn philosophy and sacred music on the Zaouia (Muslim sacred place). Abdelhak has a group, the Ensemble Mogador Music et Chant Soufie, that on 2011 recorded a cd with the English band Passamezzo, on the musical exchange project between Morocco and UK, The Entertaining Morocco Project ( ). This special album is named From Shore to Shore – Music,words and song from 17th century England & Morocco . You can find more about Sufism and Ensemble Mogador Music et Chant Soufie on .
He, living in Essaouira, from his early childhood started learning Sufi tradition from his grandfather, who used to carry him to learn philosophy and sacred music on the Zaouia (Muslim sacred place). Abdelhak has a group, the Ensemble Mogador Music et Chant Soufie, that on 2011 recorded a cd with the English band Passamezzo, on the musical exchange project between Morocco and UK, The Entertaining Morocco Project ( ). This special album is named From Shore to Shore – Music,words and song from 17th century England & Morocco . You can find more about Sufism and Ensemble Mogador Music et Chant Soufie on .
In the Yoga Room, they started chanting prayers: Taj sung us a beautiful Hawaiian pray, and Abdelhak another devotional Sufi song. After that, they improvised: she played on the bowls notes that vibrated on the Sufi song that Abdelhak was performing. The room was full of vibration, blessing and energy, our bodies where relaxed. Our souls where united by the music.
Dancing every friday with friends...
Moinho de Danças
The Wind Rose – Center of Cultural Movement started on this last Friday its activities with the project Moinho de Danças (Dance Mill) - Celebrating the full moon, the dance meeting joined women to learn the mystic and ancient Belly Dance. The project Dance Mill will organize its meetings in Essaouira each Friday, at 7pm, on Wind Rose – Center of Cultural Movement.
The Moinho de Danças, as the project is called in Portuguese, started in Brazil, in the end of 2009, by three Brazilian dancers and artists: Monica Elias, Vanessa de Almeida and Ana Maria Fonseca. The group invited dance lovers, professionals or non-professionals, to share their experiences and knowledge. The meetings happened frequently, with different kinds of dance: Belly Dance, Bharathanatyam (Indian classic dance), Gypsy Dance, Flamenco, Contemporany Dance, Bio Dance, African Dance, African-Brazilian and folkloric styles (such as Maracatu, Carimbó, Frevo, Cacuriá and Danças de Roda).
Moinho de Danças (Dance Mill), project that happens normally on voluntary way and without any fees charging of the participants, believes that the dance is the most pure and simple art manifestation. When the body dances, it is connected with the space and the environment, it is able to communicate and express itself and the soul with freedom.
Hatha Yoga Classes
Asanas (physique postures)
Pranayamas (breathing exercices)
Ana Maria has been combining her studies of Yoga with her passion for music, dance, other arts and therapies (she is Reiki Usui therapist) since 2004, when she started practicing the brazilian method
Shivam Yoga (
Later on, in 2010 she started teaching Yoga in Tetouan, Morocco.
She did her first Yoga Teacher Training of Kundalini Yoga in Richkesh, India, in 2011 on the
Bharat Heritage Services (
Cierra tus ojos. Estás en la India, la tierra que es madre sabia y milenar.
Despierta en un sueño de luz que apura todos tus sentidos. Estás conectado en sentimiento con la naturaleza, lo rios, mares, las florestas, los animales, las plantas, el fuego y el aire. Eres uno con la tierra.
Esa union hace vibrar tus pies en el suelo y encuentras tus raizes: verdaderas venas sanguineas del corazon de tu naturaleza íntima.
Eres un cuerpo-jardín, y tu alma es primavera que viaja despertando las siete semillas de tu ser. Tus girasoles de energia bailan y giran, son como flores de lotus con petalas de misterios sinestesicos. La luz que emite cada chakra canta los siete tonos de un arco iris.
Plante tus raízes,
Vibre tu sensual creativiadad
Brille tu sol
Abra el corazón
Cante por amor
Intua tu esencia
Sea uno con el universo
Poco a poco despiega del suelo y vola en el aire con la olas sonoras. En ese viaje sinuoso conocerás tus relaciones con el ambiente y tus secretos interiores.
En el viaje subirás por un camino, como hacen las hojas de los arboles que crecen buscando el sol.
Encuentrarás en el sendero lugares comunes y estraños.
Cruzarás con tus miedos escondidos, algunas memorias no olvidadas, tus principios de ingenuidad.
Puede ser que descubras bibliotecas de saber humilde y templos de belleza organica.Visitarás a tus alegrias y amores, escucharás en tu voz los cantos más hermosos. También bailarás con los tambores y latidos del corazón. Provarás las delicias de la fartura del amor. Con ganas de compartir tu paz nutrirás a todos los que cruzen tu camino.
Esa es una ruta que va lejos y está tan cerca.
Está dentro de ti…
Abra los ojos, y buen viaje!
Por el camino de los chakras
El origen de la palabra «Chakra » viene del sánscrito, y quiere decir « rueda ». Estos vórtices energéticos que posue nuestro cuerpo funcionan como centros de control de equilibrio, ya que cada chakra mantiene intercambios con las dimenciones fisica, astral y causal de la existencia. Se corresponden, además, con algunas de las glándulas endócrinas de nuestro cuerpo.
Para los practicantes de Kundalini Yoga, de la India y de todo el mundo, es necesario realizar un viaje por los chakras para el despertar de la conciencia. En el camino del auto conocimiento, es fundamental equilibrar y desbloquear cada centro energetico con ejercícios, meditaciones y pranayamas(técnicas de respiración).
Cada chakra posue un nombre, y vibra por un proposito:
Muladhara, el primer chakra, situase en la base de la columna, en el perineo. De color rojo es llamado raiz por generar fuerza vital en el plano fisico. El segundo chakra es Swadhisthana. De color naranja, relacionase con la sexualidad y creatividad. Segue el tercer, Manipura, de color amarillo. Es llamado plexo solar porque desarrolla auto estima, acción y vitalidad.
Luego el cuarto centro es Anahata, el chakra del corazón. Genera amor incondicinal cuando esta en equilíbrio. El quinto punto de energía es Vishuda. Tiene color azul y situase en la garganta, manejando la capacidad de comuicación. Ajna es el sexto chakra, y localizase entrecejas. Tiene color indigo y activa la sabiduria y intuición del individuo. El ultimo chakra, el chakra de la corona, se llama Sahasrara. De color violeta, está en el alto de la cabeza y integra la personalidad con la dimension espiritual del universo.
Para los practicantes de Kundalini Yoga, de la India y de todo el mundo, es necesario realizar un viaje por los chakras para el despertar de la conciencia. En el camino del auto conocimiento, es fundamental equilibrar y desbloquear cada centro energetico con ejercícios, meditaciones y pranayamas(técnicas de respiración).
Cada chakra posue un nombre, y vibra por un proposito:
Muladhara, el primer chakra, situase en la base de la columna, en el perineo. De color rojo es llamado raiz por generar fuerza vital en el plano fisico. El segundo chakra es Swadhisthana. De color naranja, relacionase con la sexualidad y creatividad. Segue el tercer, Manipura, de color amarillo. Es llamado plexo solar porque desarrolla auto estima, acción y vitalidad.
Luego el cuarto centro es Anahata, el chakra del corazón. Genera amor incondicinal cuando esta en equilíbrio. El quinto punto de energía es Vishuda. Tiene color azul y situase en la garganta, manejando la capacidad de comuicación. Ajna es el sexto chakra, y localizase entrecejas. Tiene color indigo y activa la sabiduria y intuición del individuo. El ultimo chakra, el chakra de la corona, se llama Sahasrara. De color violeta, está en el alto de la cabeza y integra la personalidad con la dimension espiritual del universo.
According to Tibetan oral tradition, the existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 - 480 B.C.). The tradition was brought from India to Tibet, along with the teachings of the Buddha, by the great tantric master Padmasambhava in the 8th century A.D.
Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world.
A metallurgical analysis, done by the British Museum in London, reveals that the instruments are made of a 12-metal alloy consisting of gold, silver, nickel, copper, zinc, antimony, tin, lead, cobalt, bismuth, arsenic, cadmium and iron. Now a lost art, it appears that this quality of bell bowl cannot be reproduced today.
In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, and World music. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones which the bells produce have a direct affect upon their chakras.
Playing the bells usually causes an immediate centering effect. The tones set up a "frequency following response" that creates a balancing left/right brain synchronization. Meditating on the subtle sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl tunes one in to the universal sound within and without.
João Vagos
Contact: 0628976426
Essaouira • Morocco 2013